SE "Srbijašume", FA "Avala", Avalska 79, 11223 Beli potok 011/390-6626, 011/390-6619 Work hour: 07-15

24th European Urban Forestry Forum 2022

This year, from May 18 to 21, the City Administration of Belgrade hosted the European Urban Forestry Forum through the Secretariat for Environmental Protection. The basic idea for the formation of the European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) arose from the need to create a unique meeting place for practitioners, policy makers, managers, educators and scientists who are active in urban forestry, urban greening and green infrastructure. Since 1998, EFUF has met annually to discuss new developments, share experiences and visit examples of good practice in urban forest planning, design and management (from forests to city parks and street trees). The Forum is affiliated with the Urban Forestry Group of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, as well as with several European and Nordic urban forestry networks. Participants come from all over Europe, but also from other parts of the world. Every year, EFUF deals with a current topic in urban forestry, such as financing, public involvement, partnerships and innovations in management. This year, the theme of the forum was ADAPTIVE MEASURES IN CITY FORESTS, which was elaborated through six sub-themes:

  • Health and environment
  • Techniques of urban forestry
  • Case studies
  • Exchange and transfer of experiences in urban forestry
  • Urban forests and climate change
  • City forestry and society

At the Belgrade forum, it was concluded that the improvement of city forests is of great importance due to the constant increase in the number of inhabitants and evident climate changes. During the forum, a visit to ZPD PIO "AVALA" was organized. Representatives of JP "Srbijašume" organized a welcome cocktail in front of the forest administration "Avala" and after a welcome speech by forestry engineer Dejan Miletić, on behalf of the host, the participants of the forum walked along the footpath from the spring "Sakinac" to the Monument to the Unknown Hero. Thanks to colleague Ljiljana Vamović from the Service for Forest Protection and Protected Natural Resources, who talked about the Avala forest during the walk, the guests learned a lot of information about the forest stand and the cultural and historical sights of Avala. After visiting the Monument to the Unknown Hero, the participants of the forum planted a yew sapling in the memorial park around the monument in the name of the held forum and in support of the ideas supported by EFUF in order to improve the quality of urban and suburban forests. During the walk around Avala, the recently completed URBforDAN project was briefly presented to the guests, in which JP "Srbijašume" participated as a partner in the project together with the city secretariat for environmental protection through the forestry company "Belgrade". Thanks to the URBforDAN project, the number of furniture for a peaceful vacation has been increased in the "Avala" forest, two electronic info boards have been installed, the website has been created and numerous interactive and educational boards have been installed for all visitors who want to learn more about nature. on Avala as well as on the rules of behavior in nature. The visit to the forest "Avala" ended with a trip to the viewpoint of the Avala tower, where our guests could complete their experience of Avala and see the wider surroundings of Belgrade, and as a memory of the joint gathering, each guest received a bilingual edition of the monograph on protected areas managed by JP. Srbijašume".

Anđelka Jevtović, Graduate Engineer of Landscape Architecture